I’m an ordinary person, just like you.
There is nothing special about me, yet I Am extraordinary. Just like you.
Along with most of the population, I longed to find meaning in life. I couldn’t ignore this feeling inside me that I was destined for great things. So I attended countless seminars and listened to self-styled gurus. I studied crystals and herbal spells, I meditated, prayed, astral traveled, practiced out-of-body techniques, learned tarot, reiki, and channeling. I worked tirelessly on myself in all the ways a person does; I tried hard and also faked it, changed my diet, my religion, and my habits. I failed and succeeded in equal measure, balancing the dream-achievement shortfalls with reminders to be grateful for what I had.
I put in all the study, practice, and discipline…yet the sense of my great self-expression eluded me.
Quiet rebellion began when I started wondering why we would have the capacity to dream but only with a caveat that we shouldn’t truly expect to achieve our dreams. Why would a person be able to imagine health, romance, prosperity, and purpose without the much-needed guarantees (or hell, at least encouragement) that those joys were ours for the taking? Surely Life wasn’t a cruel joke, snickering at us while we jumped for a prize held just out of reach.
That’s when I knew I was looking at this “destined-for-great-things” feeling all wrong. I said to myself, “Fuck it, how hard can this be?” and began to make some decisions. I decided to become a best-selling author. I decided to become a psychic and a medium. I decided that I didn’t have to earn the use of my own powerful consciousness to create health, prosperity, love, freedom, and magic in general.
I have degrees, experience, years of ever-evolving, ahead-of-the-curve self-employment, and thousands of satisfied clients. I have published books and achieved some regional notoriety. People will probably say nice things about me at my funeral. But none of that shit mattered
What did matter: Broadening the conscious perception of myself. Awareness, finally, that the source of all Life, in which I live and move and have my being, is me. Grasping that I will never be able to comprehend that I was created from Life, by Life, to live. Accepting this allows me to stop striving to live, and instead, simply, to be alive.
I’m glad you’re here reading this so I can save you lots of time, money, and emotional turmoil. Let yourself be ordinary and let your self-expression be the wild, extraordinary, life-affirming you that already is.
I found the greatness of my destiny. And I’m sure I still don’t know the half of it.